The overall objective of eTBA's Product Cost Management (PCM) services is to ensure data integrity in the HSL and CCA modules of Trendstar, while minimizing the time and effort required of Hospital system users.  The accomplishment of this objective is achieved through the combination of three distinct, automated system processes:

CCA AUDIT (PCM1) is a series of audit reports designed to verify the accurate distribution of patient data, and to identify specific types of incomplete or inaccurate data, resulting from the regular updating of the CCA database.

REVENUE RECONCILIATION (PCM2) is the process of passing CCA departmental revenue data to HSL for the purpose of determining whether or not procedures are mapped to the appropriate revenue centers in CCA.  Although revenue is the basis of this analysis, the real purpose is to ensure that departmental cost is associated with the correct procedure base

COST FLOW (PCM3) is the execution of a management stepdown (with appropriate macro-level adjustments) in the HSL to compute fully-allocated cost by revenue center, which is then interfaced to a CCA cost table for use in product costing applications.  This is the most complex and time-consuming of the three processes to design, and is the essential step in maintaining accurate CCA cost data

These three processes are fully automated via Trendstar's batch function, and require only minor adjustments to execute for additional months of data.  The three batches are designed to run once each month after both HSL and CCA have been updated from the feeder system interfaces.  Typically, HSL is updated about two weeks after month end (after G/L is balanced and closed) and CCA is updated about three weeks after month end (allowing adequate time for patient records to be completely coded).  Maintaining exactly parallel time periods between the two systems simplifies the