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As Sick As It Gets: The Shocking Reality of America's Healthcare, A Diagnosis and Treatment Plan


This book is a must-read primer for anyone considering medicine as a career, or even for being an American citizen at this time. Let your conscience be your guide! Mueller is an absolute master at research.




Category: Healthcare Treatment

Title: As Sick As It Gets: The Shocking Reality of America's Healthcare, A Diagnosis and Treatment Plan


Released Date: November 26, 2001

Price: $22.95

Publisher: Olin Frederick

Author: Rudolph J. Mueller

Summary: Dr. Mueller, fresh out of residency in Internal Medicine, has gotten angry at the reality he is forced to confront, grabbed the bit in his teeth and galloped through a thorny course to a finish line that is amazing. Before this book, did any of us really know about the Great Health Rip-Off in the United States? Did anyone in this country realize that America is the only place on the face of this planet that really charges its citizens money for health care? This book is a must-read primer for anyone considering medicine as a career, or even for being an American citizen at this time. Let your conscience be your guide! Mueller is an absolute master at research. His documentation of the huge crisis in American Health Care, with poorer health results here for much more money, is not assailable. His conclusions for a total overhaul of the system all make sense, and are laid out point by point. This is not a book for gradeschoolers. Mueller's cumbersome treatment of statistics tends to become backswaying, especially about two-thirds of the way through the book. I had to take long breaks. But the wade-through and the wait were superbly worth while. The book is not just a report of our current woes, but also a believable plan and prophecy.

Description: This book is a must-read primer for anyone considering medicine as a career, or even for being an American citizen at this time. Let your conscience be your guide! Mueller is an absolute master at research.





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